GInI Authorized Innovation Assessor (AInA)®

GInI Authorized Innovation Assessor (AInA)® is GInI’s recognition of individuals who have met GInI’s standard for being capable of conducting innovation maturity assessments on behalf of organizations seeking to secure certification as a GInI Certified Innovative Organization (CInOrg)®. AInAs are also authorized by GInI to conduct accreditation assessments for Innovation Labs, Business Incubators, and Accelerator Programs, as well as to submit Innovation Endorsement Applications on behalf of businesses.

  • FEES

GInI Authorized Innovation Assessor (AInA)® is GInI’s recognition of individuals who have met GInI’s standard for being capable of conducting innovation maturity assessments on behalf of organizations seeking to secure certification as a GInI Certified Innovative Organization (CInOrg) ®.j GInI AInAs are the only individuals authorized by GInI to conduct GInI Innovation Maturity Assessments. Organizations seeking to obtain GInI CInOrg certification must have this assessment conducted and submitted by an independent third-party GInI AInA. This enables GInI to enforce a standard of quality and effectiveness and ensure that all CInOrg assessments are conducted at the highest level of competence, objectivity, uniformity, and transparency. GInI AInAs are also the only individuals authorized by GInI to conduct GInI Innovation Lab, Business Incubator, and Accelerator Program accreditation assessments, as well as to submit Innovation Endorsement Applications on behalf of businesses, which similarly allows GInI to ensure an appropriate level of objectivity and transparency in these processes as well.

Who Should Be Authorized?

The AInA accreditation is intended for professionals desiring to engage with businesses in shaping and maturing their innovation programs. This can include both internal assessors and external consultants. While both may conduct pre-assessments and/or readiness assessments of an organization, only active external AInAs may conduct the formal CInOrg innovation maturity assessment required by the GInI – Global Innovation Institute for CInOrg certification or recertification. Such external consultants typically include:

  • Strategy Consultants
  • Management Consultants
  • Innovation Consultants
  • Process Consultants
  • Organizational Design / Organizational Effectiveness Consultants
  • Change Leadership / Change Management / Transformation Consultants

The AInA program benefits these consultants by giving them a productive means for applying their knowledge of strategic enterprise innovation. Since there are no caps or limits on how many CInOrg assessments and/or pre-assessments an AInA may conduct, AInAs in good standing can conduct as many of these as they desire, making for a productive consulting practice. Furthermore, since all applications for CInOrg require an initial innovation maturity assessment, plus an annual reassessment for those who achieve it, and since GInI AInAs are the only persons authorized by GInI to conduct these assessments and submit the reports, there is a growing demand for GInI AInAs all around the world.

What’s Included:
  • The purpose of the AlnA® exam is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the AlnA® body of knowledge.
  • Glnl’s standard method for administering exams is through computer-based testing (CBT). Paper based testing (PBT) is available under certain limited circumstances, and by special request.
  • The AnlA® exam has 150 multiple-choice questions.

These questions are placed in random order throughout the exam.

  • The passing score for the AlnA® is 75%.
  • The allotted time to complete the computer-based exam is 150 minutes.

Some candidates may require less than the allotted 150 minutes to complete the exam

  • There are no scheduled breaks during the exam, although you may take breaks as needed.
  • You will be unable to pause the timer once you begin the exam. The exam timer will continue counting down even if your computer shuts down.  Therefore ensure that you can remain undisturbed while taking the exam.  If your network connection is lost, you can resume the exam where you left off once it is reconnected, but the timer will not pause during this time.
  • You will be able to navigate between the questions in order to go back to previously answered questions and review your answers.
  • For each question, there is only one correct response out of four responses given.
  • Once you submit your answers, you will immediately receive your Pass / Fail result.
  • Once you pass the exam, you can expect to receive your digital certificate within 7 business days.

The AlnA Accreditation Process

  • Meet the Exam Eligibility Requirements:
    1. Hold a university degree
    2. Have a minimum of 10 years of total professional experience
    3. Hold active Glnl certification – either as a CClnO or as a ClnS
    4. Completion of a minimum of 24 hours of education relating to the AlnA certification, conducted by a Glnl authorized Innovation Provider (AlnP) ® and delivered by a Glnl Master Provider.
    5. Ownership of the Glnl Applied Innovation Master Book®
  • Pay the exam Enrollment fee
  • Await the application completeness review and approval by Glnl – this may take up to 48 hours
  • Receive the exam details from Glnl
  • Maintain your accreditation: You must earn 60 Innovation Development Units (IUDs) every 3 years or retake the AlnA exam

AInA® authorization is for seasoned business leaders (typically third-party consultants) who desire or intend to take on the role of Innovation Assessor, conducting GInI-sanctioned Innovation Maturity Assessments for organizations pursuing GInI CInOrg® (Certified Innovative Organization®) certification. They thus wish to develop the appropriate knowledge and skills into the Innovation Maturity Assessment process.

AInA® authorization is intended for seasoned, degreed business leaders with substantial business experience. In order to obtain AInA® authorization, one must have at least ten years’ professional experience, in addition to holding a university degree.

The training associated with AInA® authorization is designed to impart a deeper understanding of Innovation Maturity and the Innovation Maturity Assessment process. This includes: the concept of Innovation Maturity; the CInOrg® assessment process; the GInI Innovation Maturity Assessment Tool; the assessment evaluation approach (four categories of questions); the scoring process; scoring the elements of Innovation Strategy, Enterprise Innovation Architecture, and Innovation Outcomes; the GInI Innovation Maturity Assessment Report; the GInI follow-up process; and other types of innovation assessments.

The Certified Innovative Organization is a certification reserved exclusively for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies. Through a process of third-party assessment (conducted by AInAs), the CInOrg establishes that an organization has achieved and demonstrated a certain level of maturity and capability for pursuing short, medium, and long term innovation and growth. This distinguishes the organization among its peers and competitors as being capable of delivering next-generation value and market-leading customer experiences to its markets. There are three levels of CInOrg certification, corresponding to increasing levels of innovation maturity and capability in order of least to most capable:

  1. Originator
  2. Champion
  3. Leader

The CInOrg Innovation Maturity Assessment is conducted using GInI’s Innovation Maturity Assessment Tool, which was developed by GInI exclusively for this purpose. This tool assesses an organization’s level of innovation capability, maturity, and outcomes. The innovation maturity assessment consists of 8 Group Sections. Each Group Section is further divided into Categories, with there being 30 Categories in all.

The Categories and Group Sections are weighted, with certain sections carrying more weight than others. In order, the Group Sections and their weightings are:

Outcomes – 20%

Strategy – 14%

Foundation – 12%

Procedures – 12%

Financing – 10%

Enablers – 12%

Engagement – 10%

Reinforcement – 10%

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