For over three decades both educators and technology experts have been advocating a revolution in training and education based on the application of technological advances.
The truly transformative ways in which technology can facilitate learning goes deeper than a mere change of form of the taught material. It addresses the very relationship between facilitator and learner, as well as between learner and learner, and into influencing the very material to be taught.
And this is what Certificate In e-Learning Instructional Design will give you the tools to develop online materials that can be asynchronously delivered, in an interactive way, at the convenience of the learner, providing a platform where knowledge and experience can be exchanged with other learners, and offering immediate and constructive feedback, as well as continuity of the learning process.
Using the acronym IPA Initiate / Plan / Act (IPA) framework, we will build
e-Learning Instructional Design Model to enable you use the framework in the future.
This programme is designed for professionals involved in all facets of education and training, who are seeking to gain skills for e-Learning instructional material development.
Practitioners new to asynchronous e-Learning design and development but experienced in training and performance, and those who want to brush up on the newest techniques.
The Certificate In e-Learning Instructional Design programme is designed to provide the initial knowledge and hands-on experience to enable participants to confidently create content for e-Learning programmes.